Having trouble with conversion rates because of the lack of personalization?

Position2 is offering you two free months of Hotjar, a new, exciting heat-mapping tool we can implement to help optimize conversion rates. With Hotjar, you will:

  • Understand what users are interested in and what they interact with
  • Personalize your messaging
  • Identify usability issues by watching recordings of visitors
  • Recognize where most visitors drop off

Hotjar also provides form analysis, feedback polls, and user surveys, which can help detect when and why people are leaving your forms and what usability features they like and don't like. Position2 will implement and manage Hotjar for you to analyze your user's behavior and can A/B test your website's landing pages to see which pages have the maximum conversion rate. Combining these, you can create specific campaigns for the audience you are targeting. All data is securely stored in a cloud and is easily accessible by you.

We have a limited amount of spots available, so sign up now to secure your spot now!


Looking for a solution to address all pain points in your business?
Free Consultation
We are offering a free, one-month consultation to analyze your digital marketing strategy and develop a customized solution.
Want to get more for your marketing campaigns? Here's how.

Aligning sales and marketing teams.

Learn how we helped our client adapt their business practices by aligning their sales and marketing team to develop sales-ready prospects.


Integrating AdTech & Martech.

Using deep funnel metrics with AdTech & MarTech integration, we helped our client measure channel level performance.


Transform your business with digital marketing.

Our eBook details why it’s essential to go digital and our recommended solution stack to do so.


Identify the right spends for your business.

Use our pricing table to allocate your budget based on your company size.